by Lindsey Jay Walsh | Sep 6, 2018 | Creativity, Parenting, Youth
One of the special things about kindergarten, and why it is so important, is that it can be a perfect environment for learning with curiosity and passion. There are no tests to “teach to” and there is very little to memorize. (Though memorizing certain things matters a lot, too.) In kindergarten, it’s still ok not to know the answer to something. In kindergarten, it’s still ok to ask questions.
by Lindsey Jay Walsh | May 2, 2018 | Anxiety, Mindfulness, Parenting, Relationships, Self-care, Values, Youth
Two hours before my debut as an U7 baseball coach, and I kept thinking, “What have I gotten myself into?” A part of me even wished we’d have a rain-delay. Yes, I was afraid of little league!
by Lindsey Jay Walsh | Oct 6, 2017 | Parenting, Relationships, Uncategorised, Values
Dads: What matters the most to you when you watch your child play sports? Their personal development? How well they play with others? How badly they beat the other players or how good they make you look? In short: are you a “hockey DAD” or a “HOCKEY...
by Lindsey Jay Walsh | Sep 12, 2017 | Mindfulness, Parenting, Uncategorised, Values
Feeling judged makes decision making harder, particularly when it comes to raising our children. This post is about how we can overcome judgmentalism, and parent with confidence.
by Lindsey Jay Walsh | Sep 1, 2017 | Addiction, Mindfulness, Parenting
Love is the killer app – book title Kate T. Parker’s pictures usually show girls doing what they love to do. They dance, wrestle against boys, play soccer, make music, build mud forts, and help their friends. She lovingly depicts ordinary-extraordinary...